The Internet's enchantment



The Internet is an invisibly linked network that connects all computers on the planet. We cannot deny that the Internet has risen to the top of the list of today's essentials. Previously, it could take several days or weeks for one piece of information to reach the other. One piece of information can now reach the other in a matter of seconds. Consider a day without the Internet to understand its significance. There is a loss that outweighs the benefits of the Internet. The term Positive – Negative effects are more appropriate than the internet's benefits or profit-loss. Let us begin with the positive; as I previously stated, information can be sent to another part of the world in seconds, and information received on time can sometimes save a valuable life. The Internet made money transfer even easier. The Internet serves as the foundation for all bank transactions, as well as commercial transactions known as e-commerce. However, using the same Internet, some hackers can steal billions of rupees without being detected from another part of the world. Unfortunately, they are difficult to locate. You may also receive a call stating that you have won a lottery or that the bank requires your account information, OTP, or card number. Some online robbers may steal your money from your bank account using this type of fraud call. How many times has your phone notified you that the lottery was won? I get one hundred messages a day telling me that I won the lottery and that I need to contact them to claim my prize money. There have been many times when the insane thought of having them all occurred to me. We read in the newspapers about people who were duped by these types of false messages, but strangely, people are still duped. Online scams occur not only through phone calls but also through the message that certain links are pressed. It is possible to hack your computer simply by clicking on a link. Some browsers update messages on computers that may be part of a hacking network. As a result, we should exercise as much caution as possible when using the Internet. With the installation of a good premium antivirus, computers can be made somewhat safe. Writing about the Internet, on the other hand, has the potential to be a mega serial. Let's just get it done now. Have a safe and enjoyable Internet surfing experience.

- Mr. Kumar

Photo by Massimo Botturi on Unsplash
